Draw Wolverine Animal Step Step

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Learning to draw Wolverine, the X-man character, doesn't have to be difficult, but it can take some practice to get right. However, Wolverine is a fairly simple character to draw, starting with a stick figure and adding detail as you go. Grab a pencil and a clean sheet of paper, and you can draw Wolverine in no time.

  1. 1

    Start by drawing a stick figure. Wolverine is a Marvel character, so he follows the same template as all Marvel superheroes, starting with a stick figure. Begin by drawing a straight line vertically. Draw a horizontal line that crosses your vertical line about an inch below the tip for the shoulders and chest. Then add the arms and legs. Draw circles at the joints, these will be used as guides later on.

    • To help you when drawing Wolverine, find a picture of him that you like to help you as a guide.
    • While you can draw Wolverine in any position, it's easiest to start with Wolverine simply standing and facing forward. This will give you the best idea of how he looks.
    • Use a pencil and keep your initial sketch lines light as you will erase these lines later.
    • Your initial vertical line serves as the spine for the body. It connects the head, chest, and body together.
    • Draw a circle around the top of your first line for the outline of the head.
    • Leave a little space below the head for the neck, then draw a large oval shape to form the chest. Wolverine is bulky so the shapes you draw for the body should be round and cylindrical.
    • Below the chest, draw a cylinder to make the outline of the torso.
    • Create circular joints at the shoulders, and elbows by drawing circles.
    • For the legs, draw your lines and add circular outlines for the kneecaps.
    • Draw small triangles for the hands and feet right now.
  2. 2

    Add more cylinders and ovals to give Wolverine weight. Connect the circular joints on the arms and legs by drawing cylinders in the areas between joints. Use your original stick figure lines to guide you. Wolverine is very bulky, so make your shapes large. It's also ok to overlap your shapes. These shapes will end up forming the muscles in the arms and legs.

    • Draw your cylinders, which will be the muscles and body of Wolverine, as wide you drew the circular joints to keep everything proportional.
    • Don't worry about making everything look perfect or even right now, just get the general outline down.
  3. 3

    Flesh out the body. Right now you should have a stick figure outline with circular joints, cylindrical muscles in the arms and legs, a circle for a head, and large oval for the chest. Complete the general shape for Wolverine's torso and waist by adding another cylinder that begins just above the bottom curve of the chest. Then, draw another shape like a pyramid pointing down.

    • The pyramid shape should be round at the edges and begin about a third of the way from the bottom curve of the cylinder you drew for a torso.
    • The body should be made up of three separate shapes: A large oval at the top for the chest, a cylinder for the torso, and an inverted pyramid for the waist.
    • The bottom two shapes should be the same width, while the width of the torso is wider.
  1. 1

    Outline Wolverine's head. So far, you should have a circle for the head. Add a shape that's similar to a "U" under the head for the jaw.[1]

    • Start your "U" shape at about the midpoint of your circle.
    • The distance from the bottom of the circle to the bottom of the jaw's arc should be about half the distance from the top to bottom of your circle.
  2. 2

    Add neck lines. Starting about halfway down from your "U" shaped jawline, draw two curved lines for the neck.

    • Your lines should be convex, meaning the line curves inward.
    • Wolverine has a thick neck, so draw the lines even with the sides of the head.
  3. 3

    Create guides of symmetry for the nose, eyes, and mouth. Draw a vertical line that splits the head and jaw in half. Make a cross by drawing a horizontal line in the middle of the circle for the head. This will help you place the eyes and nose. Draw a smaller horizontal line in the space between the bottom of the circle that makes up the head, and the bottom of your "U" for the mouth.

    • You can use your original vertical line here. Just extend it up through the crown of the head.
  4. 4

    Draw the eyes, nose, and mouth. On either side of you vertical line, draw two angled lines which look like a tilde. These should be above the top horizontal line that's perpendicular to your vertical one. Under those lines, draw rectangle shapes for the eyes. At the bottom of your circle, draw vertical lines and a "V" shape to make the nose. The mouth goes just above the second horizontal line you drew below your circle. Add a small triangle for the lower lip on the horizontal line.[2]

    • To best get the shapes of the eyes, nose, and mouth down, it's easiest to look at a picture of Wolverine for guidance.
  5. 5

    Outline the jaw. Use your "U" shape to outline Wolverine's jaw in more detail. The jaw should start as wide as your "U" and then angle inward around the mouth.[3]

    • Make the bottom of the jaw more flat than round.
    • Erase any leftover lines from your "U" shape.
  6. 6

    Draw the mouth of the mask. Wolverine's mask is one of the defining features of the character. Begin by drawing lines inside the face for the opening of the mask. Start with two horizontal, slightly curved lines going out from the nose. Then add two vertical lines on the sides of the mouth, connecting to the jaw.

    • For the horizontal lines, use the line you drew to place the eyes as a guide, keeping the mask lines parallel.
  7. 7

    Draw the top of the mask. Start just above the eyebrows and draw curved lines that extend out and above the head. The way you draw the outer points of the mask may differ for everyone, but once you draw your original curves for the mask, draw one more curve on each side to connect the mask to the portion of the mask around the mouth.

    • Think of the top portion of the mask like two horns that begin near the center of the face just above the eyebrows.
    • Draw these lines lightly at first. If you don't like how the mask looks, erase and try again. It make take a few attempts.
  1. 1

    Create the outline of the body. Now that you have your head pretty much completed, follow the outlines of your joints and muscles to start to form the body. Start at the neck and work your way down.[4]

    • By darkening the outer edges of your drawing you give Wolverine a three-dimensional look.
    • Don't worry too much about your proportions right now. You may find that not all body parts look perfectly equal, that's ok, you just want to get the general look down.
  2. 2

    Make any adjustments to the body outline. Once you've outlined the whole body, look to see if any areas look disproportional or out of place. If there are problem areas, erase and redraw using a stick figure, then fleshing out the area with shapes before outlining again.

    • Wolverine has a large chest, wide torso, and long muscular legs which should be about the same length as the distance from his waist to the top of his head.
    • His shoulders are roughly level and shouldn't be angled up too high.
    • Once you're happy with the overall shape of your Wolverine, erase the lines that make up the stick figure and joints, leaving only the outer lines of the body.
  3. 3

    Draw the upper details of the costume. Wolverine has several components to his costume, but most components are made up of triangle shapes. Start at the shoulders drawing two triangles for the shoulder pads. Then add the two triangles on either side of Wolverine's neck which are pointing down. Below the pecs are two sets of three horizontal triangles. Then, draw a thick belt below, and add the spandex.

    • The shoulder pads should be slightly curved at the top and connect where the armpits are at the bottom.
    • The spandex forms around the tops of the thighs and ends just below the belt. It meets at the gap between Wolverine's legs.
  4. 4

    Draw the details of the boots and gloves. Wolverine's boots are similar to his mask. Draw a "V" shape that starts just below the kneecap and extends up around the leg to the lower third of the thigh. The outer edges of the boots come back down and connect to the the leg. The gloves extend to just below the elbow.

    • Add the three grooves for Wolverine's spikes on the back of his hands. Make the top of the gloves concave curves, meaning the curve bows out.
  1. 1

    Finalize your lines, and finish detailing. Add muscles to Wolverine. The easiest way to add muscles is to follow the outline of the different portions of the arms and legs you've drawn. The hands can be tricky to draw, make the hands fists or draw his claws coming out to make it easier. The feet are flat and angle slightly inward before widening at the leg.[5]

    • Add an "X" in the middle of the belt for the X-Men logo.
    • Erase any sketch lines that you still have.
    • Go over the outline of your drawing again add any lines to connect any areas you may have skipped over.
  2. 2

    Color in Wolverine. Put on the base color. Wolverine has four colors: black, yellow, blue, and red. Make the shoulder pads, boots, gloves, and spandex blue. The body and top of his head his yellow. and the Belt is red.

    • Wolverine's boots have a line of black that connect the two points and descend down the middle of his boots.
    • The claws or claw holes can be colored a silver color if you wish.
    • Leave the eyes white.
  3. 3

    Add highlights and shadows. If you want to go further, you can do some simple shading to give your Wolverine more depth. Add some shading around the muscle lines, neck, and boots.

    • The flaps on the boots should cast a shadow on the legs, so add some shading under the kneecaps.
    • To further define the pecs, abs, and arm muscles, you can add a bit of shading around your muscle lines to make the area look raised.

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  • Question

    Can we add the claws if we want to?


    Yes, in fact, most people would not draw Wolverine without claws. The claws are his trademark and show his powers.

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  • Don't be discouraged if your drawing doesn't look the way you want it to. It takes a lot of practice to develop real skill. Keep practicing and you'll quickly see an improvement.

  • Have a good eraser handy.

  • Use a picture of Wolverine to help you visualize certain parts of the body or costume

  • Always use a pencil and draw lightly until you are ready to add final lines.

  • Take your time. Even when drawing general shapes, the slower you go, the less you'll have to erase.

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Article Summary X

To draw Wolverine, start by drawing a stick figure, and adding cylinders around the arms and legs to bulk them up. Then, draw a circle for the outline of his head with a U-shape below it for his jaw. Next, draw his facial features and a thick neck, which should be almost as wide as his head. Additionally, create Wolverine's mask by drawing curved lines from the nose and 2 straight lines on each side of the mouth. Finally, add details to his body, like shoulder pads, boots, and a belt. For tips on how to color in Wolverine's costume, keep reading!

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Draw Wolverine Animal Step Step

Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Draw-Wolverine

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